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Primerica has negotiated a reduced rate on SeeWhy Financial Learning’s Mutual Funds (CIFC®) On-line Support Tools for all Primerica associates. This arrangement entitles you to purchase SeeWhy’s 180-day (6-month) access to the Mutual Funds Online Study Tools with options for the Study Guide (textbook summary), Flash Cards, Quizzes, Exam Preparation Questions, and the new eLearning Trainer Videos, at prices from 33% to 66% off the regular pricing.
Read Me First! Please note that the purchase of SeeWhy Financial Learning's exam preparation materials does not constitute enrollment in the actual CIFC® licensing course from IFSE®. Instead, our materials are designed to assist you in understanding the content of the course. If you have not already done so, you must first register for the Primerica-AGF-IFSE Mutual Funds Licensing Program, in order to obtain the required course materials and write the actual CIFC® exam.