Want to upgrade your package?
The Other Than Life® course (OTL®), offered by the Insurance Institute of Canada®, covers property and casualty insurance, including auto, home, and commercial insurance. Completing the OTL® is required for individuals looking to become licensed to sell and advise on general insurance products in most Canadian provinces.
- Are you working through the course but not sure you are understanding the material?
- Have you finished the course, but wonder how much you retained?
- Is exam day approaching and you don’t feel prepared?
- Do you learn better from making mistakes?
SeeWhy Learning can help! The SeeWhy Learning Other Than Life® (OTL®) exam preparation study tools include 1,000 Practice Questions with easy-to-understand answer keys.
Students have the option of working through the questions in chronological order to cover key elements of the course, or on a randomized basis to replicate and help prepare the student for the exam day experience.
Dramatically increase your chances of exam success, which can save you time and money. Invest in SeeWhy Learning today!
Online Access Plus Money Back Guarantee
180 Days (6 months) Online Access
Our OTL study tools ensure your properly prepared for your exam.
Online Study Guide
Written by our trainers in plain language to help you streamline your study process and stay on track
1000+ Questions
Includes more than 1000 practice questions with easy-to-understand answer keys
SeeWhy Learning Money Back Guarantee
The effectiveness of our study tools allows us to offer a no-hassle money back guarantee.*
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We have many corporate and academic partners. Find out if you qualify for discounted pricing
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Our study tools allow each unique individual to approach learning in a way that best suits them. Take control of your learning journey, making it more efficient, effective, and enjoyable