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Success Plus:


Financial Planning 1®



The Financial Planning 1® Course (FP1®) by CSI® introduces the core concepts of financial planning, including retirement, tax, and estate planning. Completing the FP1® is a foundational step for those pursuing a career in financial advising and planning in Canada.

Success Package

180 Days (6 months) Online Access


Your SeeWhy Learning FP1® exam prep package includes:

  • Online Study Guide
    Written by our trainers in plain language to help you streamline your study process and stay on track
  • Online Flash Cards
    Provide instant knowledge and cover a lot of ground in a flash
  • Online Practice Exams
    Exam-level difficulty with questions representative of the real exam in terms of difficulty and focus.
  • Online Chapter Quizzes
    Allows you to assess your knowledge & identify areas to further study
  • SeeWhy Learning Money Back Guarantee
    The effectiveness of our study tools allows us to offer a no-hassle money back guarantee.*

Do you work for a Canadian financial services institution?

We have many corporate and academic partners. Find out if you qualify for discounted pricing

More about our Study Tools

Our study tools allow each unique individual to approach learning in a way that best suits them. Take control of your learning journey, making it more efficient, effective, and enjoyable


Online Chapter Quizzes

Allows you to assess your knowledge & identify areas to further study

Online Flash Cards

Provide instant knowledge and cover a lot of ground in a flash

Practice Exams

Exam-level difficulty with questions representative of the real exam in terms of difficulty and focus.

Focused Study Guide

Written by our trainers in plain language to help you streamline your study process and stay on track

Money Back Guarantee

The effectiveness of our study tools allows us to offer a no-hassle money back guarantee.*