STEP 2 of the Refund Request. This is required to complete your request.
Please fully complete this exit survey. The answers and comments will help us help you! This exit survey does not affect your money back guarantee request as long as you have met our 3 simple conditions that you have already agreed to.
Your Money Back Guarantee refund request has been received and sent for review by an account specialist in our Client Support Team. We are sorry to hear that you failed your exam. One of our Support Specialists will review your request and your study record using SeeWhy Learning. You will receive an email about the review along with comments.
Your study record is not a condition of the refund approval but we want to see why you failed and offer some recommendations for you to be successful on your next exam attempt whether you decide to continue using the study tools or confirm your money back request.
Did you complete all your course study modules with SeeWhy Learning?
Did you complete all the Flash Card sets and accompanying Quizzes?
Were your Quiz and Exam scores in the 80s and into the 90s? If you want to know why so high, just ask - we will be glad to explain.
If your subscription included trainer videos, did you watch ALL of them before your study and refer to them during your study?
How much or how little you used our study tools does not affect our money back guarantee ... but you do want to pass your exam, right?
Our job is to make sure you pass. Do you need some advice and guidance for your studying and how to successfully pass your exam?
Which course study are you requesting the refund for?
Thank you for completing this exit survey. Your answers will help us to improve the exam preparation study tools that we offer and to provide an insight as to why you were not successful on your exam. Our study tools are not just a collection of questions and answers but a learning system designed for exam success! We invite and solicit your comments.